Who lives
Who dies
Who tells your story?

Dueler Eye Chart is a holiday card inspired by the Broadway phenomenon Hamilton, An American Musical. The piece was created to gift to friends, family, and the cast and crew of the show.

The layout was influenced by the traditional Snelen eye chart. With this piece I wanted to draw upon the theme of keeping focus as you strive for the things you want in life, just as Alexander Hamilton did to achieve all of his goals and make his mark in history. As you go further down (further down) into that timeline, the stakes rise and you must keep that focus sharp or may suffer a similar fate to Alex's.
There are ten levels to the chart (a nod to one of the songs in the show, "The Ten Duel Commandments") with the tenth having a nasty speck of blood.

The 4"x8" card was created in InDesign, and the blood stain in Photoshop.
Process, from initial sketch and variations to final design.
Dueler eye Chart is available in my shop in limited quantity.
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